Bas Penning de Vries

Bas teaches statistics and epidemiology in bachelor, master and extra-curricular programs.

Bas obtained an integrated master's degree (with distinction) in chiropractic in Bournemouth, England, and later earned a master's degree (cum laude) in epidemiology (specialization: Medical Statistics) from Utrecht University. He also holds a doctorate in epidemiology since 2022 from Leiden University, where he focused primarily on the methodology of causal inference. After briefly serving as a post-doc at the departments of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics of Leiden UMC, Bas joined the cancer epidemiology team as assistant professor at the Julius Center, UMC Utrecht. In this role, he took on teaching tasks with much enthusiasm and contributed in particular to MSc Epidemiology courses "Advanced Topics in Causal Research" and "Missing Data", and to Utrecht Summer School's "Introduction to Causal Inference and Causal Data Science". In 2024, seeking to dedicate more of his efforts to education, Bas joined the biostatistics teaching staff of the Julius Center.

In his spare time, Bas likes to walk his dog, exercise and spend time with family.