Wouter van Amsterdam is an Assistant Professor at the University Medical Center Utrecht, working on methods and applications of machine learning and causal inference for health care. Wouter is co-coordinator of the Causal Data Science Summer Course
Wouter has degrees in Physics (BSc), Medicine (MD), epidemiology (MSc) and a PhD on machine learning for healthcare, advised by Rajesh Ranganath from NYU and Joost Verhoeff, Tim Leiner and Pim de Jong from the UMC Utrecht. Academic homepage: http://wvanamsterdam.com .
Constanza is involved as a lecturer in the Using Data from Routine Care course within the Applied Data Science Master at Utrecht University. She ocasionally collaborates with colleages in teaching within the MSc Epidemiology (MSc Epidemiology (msc-epidemiology.nl).
Once arrived in the Netherlands, Constanza studied Clinical Epidemiology at Erasmus Medical Center, followed by a PhD in Epidemiology with a focus on quality of prediction models at the Julius Center, University Medical Center. From 2022, she works as an assistant professor in the Real World Evidence team within the Department of Data Science and Biostatistic, leading studies on Vaccines and Medicines Safety. In her spare time, Constanza likes spend time with her cat, rowing, and traveling.
Caroline teaches statistics in Bachelor, Master and extra-curricular programs and Clinical Trial Methodology in the Msc Epidemiology [link naar CT&DRA]. Her main focus is the Bachelor program Biomedical Sciences (Biomedische wetenschappen - Universiteit Utrecht (uu.nl). She also teaches in the extra-curricular courses “Introductory Biostatistics for Researchers” and the summer school courses “Biostatistics for Researchers” and “Survival Analysis”. For the remainder of her time she is seconded for innovation in teaching statistics to Medical and Biomedical Bachelor students at Radboud University in Nijmegen.
Caroline studied Human Movement Sciences at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU). She then continued as PhD student, postdoc and assistant professor at the department of Biopsychology of the same university, developing skills in statistical genetics using twin methodology. In 2006 she moved to the department of psychiatry of UMC Utrecht as a twin methodologist and in 2012 to the Julius Center to further develop as a clinical trial methodologist. She is particularly fond of teaching and coaching in various forms, and nowadays spends most time doing this. In her spare time she likes to sing (alto or mezzo soprano), go on long walks, spend some time in her chaotic garden and travel off the beaten track with her companion.
Said primarily teaches machine learning and computational courses in several master programs: MSc Applied Data Sciences, MSc Epidemiology, Methods and Statistics in the Behavioural, Biomedical, and Social Sciences. The courses include Using data from Routine care, Machine Learning and Applications in Medicine, Computational Statistics, and Computational inference with R. Topics include machine learning classification, clustering, dimension reduction, bootstrapping, numerical optimization and their applications on healthcare data.
Said obtained his MSc Applied Mathematics at TU Delft (2014) and his PhD at Leiden UMC (2020) within the medical statistics group. Currently, he is an assistant professor at the UMC Utrecht on statistics and machine learning for multi-modal data integration. His research topics are high dimensional statistics, latent variable analysis, deep learning, and healthcare digital twins; several MSc projects are available on these topics. He strives to incorporate the latest statistics and machine learning innovations into education and connect it to more ‘traditional’ statistical concepts. He also leads the development of a PhD track Data science for Health within the graduate school of life sciences. Outside of the UMC, you can ask him all about birds and vegetable gardening.
Dorieke is involved as a teacher in various statistics courses in different bachelor programs. She also coordinates two courses in the master Applied Data Science. She also teaches in the extracurricular course “Biostatistics for Researchers”.
After completing her studies of Health & Life Sciences at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU), she assisted at the department of Biostatistics there. After that, she completed her master’s degree in Applied Data Science at the Utrecht University. Thereafter, in 2021, she started teaching biostatistics at the UMC Utrecht.