Caroline teaches statistics in Bachelor, Master and extra-curricular programs and Clinical Trial Methodology in the Msc Epidemiology [link naar CT&DRA]. Her main focus is the Bachelor program Biomedical Sciences (Biomedische wetenschappen – Universiteit Utrecht ( She also teaches in the extra-curricular courses “Introductory Biostatistics for Researchers” and the summer school courses “Biostatistics for Researchers” and “Survival Analysis”. For the remainder of her time she is seconded for innovation in teaching statistics to Medical and Biomedical Bachelor students at Radboud University in Nijmegen.

Caroline studied Human Movement Sciences at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU). She then continued as PhD student, postdoc and assistant professor at the department of Biopsychology of the same university, developing skills in statistical genetics using twin methodology. In 2006 she moved to the department of psychiatry of UMC Utrecht as a twin methodologist and in 2012 to the Julius Center to further develop as a clinical trial methodologist. She is particularly fond of teaching and coaching in various forms, and nowadays spends most time doing this. In her spare time she likes to sing (alto or mezzo soprano), go on long walks, spend some time in her chaotic garden and travel off the beaten track with her companion.