Do you want to learn more about how to apply efficient statistical analysis to your biomedical data?

We offer basic to specialized courses in data science and biostatistics.

Do you want to improve your statistical knowledge and enhance the quality of your medical research? 

Biostatistics for Researchers (part-time)
Biostatistics for Researchers (full-time, via Utrecht Summer School)
Survival Analysis (Utrecht Summer School)
Causal Inference (Utrecht Summer School)


R is a programming language, originally ‘written’ in 1992 by Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman (yes, “R” stems from the first letter of their first names), inspired by another programming language called S.
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Upcoming courses

July 7-11 2025, Molecular Pharmacoepidemiology

(Full-time, 1 week, In-person)

July 7-11 2025, Introduction to Causal Inference and Causal Data

(Full-time, 1 week, In-person)

March 3-May 16 2025, Biostatistics for Researchers

(Part-time, 11 weeks, Online)

May 27-June 20 2025, Biostatistics for Researchers

(Part-time, 10 days in 4 weeks, In-person)

July 7-18 2025, Biostatistics for Researchers

(Full-time, 2 weeks, In-person)

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